I was reminded that I am behind on blogging. I guess that's mostly because we are also behind outside. The late spring, rainy weather, and increased dirt space all equal long days. So to catch up on some blogging chores before heading outside for the day we are going to give a little history from the last few weeks.
2010 Peppers and Tomatoes. |
All was going well until the end of April. Seeds were started, growing, looking awesome. Especially the tomatoes. We had them moved to our south facing porch with natural light. The same as last year. We hang grid from the ceiling, slide 2x2 cedar boards between the grid, and place the flats (which hold 18 plants each) on the boards. The first round of tomatoes were proudly stretching upward. 756 of them actually. 42 flats.
It was Friday morning, April 29, and I was done watering and fertilizing. Everything was taken care of for us to be gone for the weekend. We were moving two of our horses out to South Dakota and had friends coming into the house to check on the plants. In addition, that afternoon, we were going to St. Paul to set up for the St. Paul Art Crawl. At 11:00 am I was running upstairs to take a shower when I heard a sickening sound. The sound of glass breaking and other loud noises. I stood on the stairs contemplating WHAT it could be and when the realization hit my brain I just stood there. Frozen. Heart beating fast. Brain racing. One slow step at a time I headed toward the porch.
Yep, shit happens! Phone call to Michael - it wasn't pretty. To finish the story quickly, we did go to the St. Paul Art Crawl. We did make it to South Dakota. We do have about 600 tomato plants! Between the phone call to Michael and 3 pm that afternoon - we won't talk about.
THEN on May 4th we rented the tractor and tiller to add another field to our ever expanding gardens. Michael at the helm, Theresa and I marking his way, the process is going super fast! Yea! We have it figured out after all this time!!! But wait - that pile of last year's plastic mulch! Ooopppssss!!!!
Two hours later. Done! Again we won't talk about what happened in between!
FINALLY, two weeks ago we had set outside to harden our Eggplant and Kohlrabi. Only three flats, but these had 50 in each flat! One of those windy days Minnesota is known for. Yep, took all three flats. The new Eggplant is going to be about a month behind and we direct seeded the Kohlrabi.
Bumps in the road, water under the bridge, whatever you want to call life's experiences - life is still good!!!!