Monday, October 18, 2010


1953 FORD 8N - Michael's new toy!
Or as he says -- my new tool!
 Depending on how you look at it, tools can be toys and reduce work all at the same time.  Unless it's a new tool, or a new/old tool, and you didn't spend much time as a kid using this tool.  Then the tool can be a challenge!! So, to help out on the farm, to save our backs and to turn our compost rows we broke down and purchased a 1953 Ford 8N tractor.  A classic.  4 speeds.  No power steering.  Small. 

The kid who didn't get to spend much time using a tractor is Michael.  He didn't kill, maime, or injure me pulling out posts from the tomato field.  Although he did manage to run over my camera bag and barely missed the pipe for the septic system!  Whew, all in all, a job well done and with more time in the tractor seat he will soon be a whiz! 

Hooking up to the tiller from Ripleys.
Unfortunately, the drive shaft was too long!
So back to the drawing board.
Maybe this weekend instead.

There you have it - tool or toy?  I think toy too!  My turn's coming!

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