Monday, January 31, 2011

JANUARY 31 2011

It's snowing in Minnesota today but that's what it does here.  We are thankful for the snow because it will provide the replenishing moisture when spring comes.  Along with the snow we are blessed with cold temperatures.  The 18 degrees today actually felt balmy and it was easy to keep the house at 70 degrees with the wood stove.

We have bluebirds that live here in the winter, along our little Wells Creek.  Typically four or five of them will follow us along the river bank and this morning a bald eagle gave us the eye as he flew off down stream.  He was sitting high above the creek near open water.  Watching for breakfast would be my guess and we unknowingly interrupted him.  We being Amber Jo and Daisy Mae as we took a jaunt to the snow covered beach before our day got involved with computer work and ongoing spring planning.

Daisy Mae is growing like a weed and she takes every opportunity she can to let Amber Jo know it.   She's still not quite sure of herself around the fertilizer team who have been taking their job very seriously this winter.

I believe from the robust cover over their backs their ability to convert feed to fat is very efficient.  As the prove lies on the ground composting away to be applied to fields this fall.  Gross huh? 

That's a cold, snowy winter day at Sol 'N Tyne.  Thanks for reading.

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