Friday, June 10, 2011


What a crazy week huh?  Tuesday we experienced a day like no other and this morning we almost have to turn on the furnace.  This is life on a Minnesota farm.

It was a desert day on Tuesday, even though we had a visitor from Idaho and Deb (her name is Deb too!) said she will take the high desert weather to 102 degrees here.  Between the heat and the wind our lettuce, greens, AND radishes just fell over.  Literally - they were laying flat.  The tops of the peas - Scorched.  Bean leaves - Burned.  Spinach - Bolted.  We could not believe what we were seeing.  This is Minnesota.  In June.  After a drink of water in the evening when the sun went down everything popped back up!  The resilience of life - gotta love it.

This morning - 54 degrees and drizzle!  Sure makes the soil look rich and the green more green!  The contrast was awesome in the fields this morning.

Watching the weather roll in last night - Flax from the Ellie Garden.
The farm is getting it's rhythm - or should we say - we are getting the farm's rhythm.  Gospel in the morning - country in the afternoon!  Plant, weed, maintain in the morning - water, water, water in the afternoon.

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