Thursday, June 23, 2011


Since Monday.
Despite the chill in the air this morning (51 degrees - my hands are still tingling) we had a bountiful few hours gathering for CSA shares.  Out the door just past sunup and we made it inbetween the moisture.  hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!  Five and a half inches of rain since last Wednesday.

Radishes, onions, and greens were lush and full.  Ooooo the onions smell soooo good when we gather.  In fact, when I'm done with this post I am going to make Theresa and I eggs with those good smelling onions.  Her reward for helping us gather this morning!!!

We have the tomato field about half way through the first trellis step, and as we worked yesterday we found a Black Krim with a little, teenie tomato!  Getting the tomatoes trellised and off the plastic and pruned will help deter any disease potential with all this moisture. 

We are off to make breakfast now and and enjoy those yummy onions coming your way.  Be thankful for the chill, be thankful for the moisture, be thankful and enjoy your day!!!

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