Friday, June 18, 2010


A huge thanks to Bella and Amaya for helping get ready for Sol 'N Tynes first "THURSDAYS ON FIRST" in Rochester.  Michael and I truly appreciate the help they provided and also a big thanks to their mom, Tona, for letting them come and stay.  They ended up staying an extra day because their Grandpa Doug is battling cancer and had to go to the hospital.  So please send out prayers of healing for him.

On a brighter note, Bella and Amaya, left their two new friends Sophie and Hannah to stay with us while they go to Cass Lake on vacation.  Please meet the new guests at Sol 'N Tyne.

Bella and Sophie

Amaya and Hannah

Have fun at Cass Lake Alberto, Tona, Bella, Amaya, and Noelia!!!!

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