Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This morning the sun was brilliant in the eastern sky, filling the Wells Creek basin with warmth, causing the snow pack to sweat moisture upward creating a bluish gray, hazy fog along the edges of the valley tree line.  She is powerful now, the sun.  She fills the land with her spring bringing heat and mud running rays.

Because of the life cycle she brings -- deposited in trays, filled with nourishing, warm dirt, are seeds of Imperial Star Artichokes, Tango Celery, Blue Solaize, Giant Musselburg, and Pricetaker Leeks, and a variety of herbs.  In a few short days we will see their little, green, sun seeking sprouts of hope! 

Ahhh spring is coming upon us and the cycle begins.  Next week more seeds, the week after more seeds, and so on until we begin the actual dirt devotion in May.

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