Sunday, May 2, 2010


We had a lively crew on May Day!!  Fun, full of energy, entertaining, good conversation and the best part - hard working.  Despite the horrific winds we had we managed to fetch, prep, plant, feed, and cover our first row of tomatoes for the year.  We know, we's too early to plant tomatoes.  We do admit this is an experiment.

Our experiment last season saved the tomaotes from the cold, but our learning curve fried them.  They do not like 120 degrees (we used plastic for row cover).   Ultimately 90% of them managed to recover but we lost the advantage we had by planting them three weeks early. 

This year we are using a row cover made from spunbonded polypropylene designed specifically for the purpose of providing 4 to 5 degrees of additional warmth, protection from wind, insect control, and rain permeable.  We purchased from a local supplier, Jordan Seeds.  Under the plastic mulch, that Michael and Evan are laying down, hides either a soaker hose or drip tape that provides a minium of an inch of  water on a weekly basis. 

Evan and Michelle are installing the hoops every 4' to support the row cover.  Amaya and Bella helped provide the bone meal and epsom salts in the bottom of the planting hole for Alberto and Michelle.

In the ground soaking up the sun this morning are:  Sudduth's Brandywine, Speckled Romans, Brownberry, Black Krims, Chaulk's Early Jewel, and Black Sea Man.  Fifty babies taking on the elements - grow baby, grow!!!

Michael and I thank - Alberto, Tona, Evan, Michelle, Bella, Amaya, Noelia (Ellie), Rio, and Amber for all your hard work and fun!!   Last year it took Michael and I one whole day to do what we did in just a few hours.  Thank you.

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