Monday, August 9, 2010


On this hot, sultry, August day we harvested tomatoes and processed our seconds. The temp was in the 90's, humidity the same, and no wind and yes we do this outside. The process creates an incredible tomato paste we freeze and use throughout the year.

Set up and ready to go.  Michael did all the processing after I gathered and sorted out the prime tomatoes from, what we classify, our seconds.  Seconds are a tomato that have blemishes but still have eatable sections.

The fresh herbs Michael gathered from the Yuli Herb Garden and additional spices.
Almost complete.  The final steps are freezing the paste and then cutting it into good sized portions and vacuum sealing in bags.


leahbird said...

YUM! May I ask your "recipe"? I would love to make some delicious paste from all the tomatoes we hope to harvest this year...

Anonymous said...

I am excited about the harvest and can't wait until i get asked let me know when and i will send Pam